softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Fly from Base Jumping

Base jumping is one of the extreme sports that can only be done by a certain person, a person had to jump from a certain height without opening the parachute beforehand, this sport also have a high enough risk, not only physically but also mentally, but enthusiasts of this sport remains very much,

People who love this hobby has its own reasons why they dare to do that, according to several people who’ve done this, they do base jumping because just curious and want to assess how much ability adrenalin possesses, an athlete thinks, do base jumping made him feel and less able to forget about the problem at hand, the reasons are still justified if the person who did it is free from requirements that have been determined. maybe someday I want to do that, especially now that I’m wanting to try new things through traveling, traveling provide for my own breath in living a life and is one of the most delicious way thankful to God almighty one.


dipost: 12 july 2016 20:40 pm